Monday, February 9, 2015

Oh Goddess, My Heart! Beaded Bata / Anya Drum Set for Oshun Obu Anya

Oshun Ibu Anya - Oshun whose path is the Anya drum is the Oshun that brings the joy, knowledge, and power of music and dance to humanity and lifting our collective souls. Percussion, as well as call and response singing are essential for communication between the realms of living, the orishas, ancestors, and God. Oshun is the the pulse of life, our hearts pound out the rhythm of our lived reality and she fires passion and energy with every step. Who hasn't felt the hammering of the heart in times of love or excitement? Or the soothing beat of the heart that begins in the womb, and ends with the last breath that we will each take. In all of our moments in life, we are accompanied and guided by the heart and its rhythm measures the pace of time and echoes the meaning we give to our place in the world.

When we feel pain, be it of emotional, physical or spiritual origin, we might clutch our chest while choking tears or feeling the prickly, flushing sensations of the skin and exclaim, "Oh god, my heart!"  but we should really be exclaiming,"Oh goddess, my heart!" for it is Iyalode Oshun that powers the beat.

Oshun in her aspect of Ibu Kole, saved the world, specifically by being humble and she illuminates these characteristics and holds them in high regard.

I have been making beaded sets of miniature bata drums for Oshun for years. I devised a way of incorporating beads with these beautiful small sets of bata so that they can adorn shrines for Oshun. This set is designed to be placed on Oshun Ibu Anya's vessel, her sopera or tinaja, and look magnificent given the colours of this particular path. The combination of a set of drums with a mazo is a wonderful sight, indeed. I also make these sets for Shango, too.

Some items are for sale at
See our Facebook page 

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